結婚五週年之 偽婚紗真中暑。
第一次分享這麼私人的照片還真有點害羞哩。2009年結婚的時候我們還是窮學生,沒有閒錢回台灣拍婚紗照,加上我也害怕大濃妝跟假睫毛,所以對補拍婚紗沒什麼太大興趣...但是自從開始經營部落格之後,慢慢開始喜歡上攝影,也因為結婚五週年想要小小慶祝一下,這次大費周章跟朋友借了腳架和遙控器,硬是在43度的大太陽下耗了一個下午,拍了這兩組非常生活化的偽婚紗。雖然出來的照片是完全業餘水準 (超過一半的照片都失焦!!!!),也搞到生平第一次中暑,但是還是有一種完成了小小project的成就感。
So, as promised, here are my anniversary photos! I have to say I almost feel shy to post personal photos on the blog...Anyways, do you know that in Taiwan, wedding photography package are very popular for newly wed couples? It's all inclusive with up to 5 wedding gowns and suits of your choice; they do your makeup and hair style, and there will be the photographer team with a driver to take you to locations you picked for the glamour photos. At the end, you have the printed wedding photo album as well as the digital version!
When we got married 5 years ago we didn't have time to go to Taiwan for the wedding photos, so this time I decided to try something similar. Of course, without the wedding gowns/suits and the makeup/hairdo, it's hard to duplicate the experience. But to be honest, I prefer a more casual, laid-back style photos anyway. It was a really fun experience/experiment using the tripod for the first time but I actually got a heat stroke in the afternoon under the 110°F Phoenix sun :(
Hope you like the photos, have a great week!!